Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Hebrew Bible, By Marc Zvi Brettler - 1390 Words
How To Read The Jewish Bible, authored by Biblical scholar, and professor, Marc Zvi Brettler, is an enlightening text, guiding people towards studying the Hebrew Scriptures purposefully. Brettler (2005) reveals his book provides a response to the frustration many readers hold towards the Hebrew Bible, with the conventional tendency of filtering it through the lens of present-day culture. Generally, he argues, as a result, this leads one to misconstrue passages or arrive at the definitive conclusion the Bible holds no relevant value within our contemporary era and therefore, should collect dust. Written as an introduction to the Hebrew Bible, Brettler designedly provides a neutral approach to aid readers of all backgrounds in finding a†¦show more content†¦5). Brettler s goal of guiding readers toward an appreciation and understanding of the purpose in utilizing the historical-critical study practice is well laid out as a foundation to the book. By prioritizing the first four chapters as he did, Brettler sets the tone of how one should survey the Scriptures for the greatest illumination. From the start, he outlines what the historical-critical method is in theory and practice, which dispels the assumption every reader holds a familiarity with it. Clarity comes alongside the resolution that applying the historical-critical method to the Scriptures does not set out to destroy the Hebrew Bible s importance. Rather it lends an unbiased avenue to read these religious texts in a compelling way, bringing understanding in a multifaceted fashion as opposed to one-dimensional, conclusive outcomes. Approaching the Scriptures from a Jewish viewpoint, as discussed in class, is well supported in Brettler’s book. Through his preparatory teaching on what the Hebrew Bible in itself is, and how one should read it, a ground is laid. Explaining the difference between the â€Å"Christian Bible†and â€Å"Hebrew Bible†is a vital inclusion. The Christian Bible passages, called the Old Testament, are read with the belief that they lead into the New Testament. The Hebrew Bible does contain a New Testament, so one would not read it within the same frame of reference.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Lone Survivor Character Analysis Essay - 1516 Words
Zac Mayo Ms. Mastro English 4A 20 November 2017 Literary Analysis Paper Ways the Tone Changed in Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell’s Lone Survivor analyzes the tone of the novel as the protagonist moves from childhood to civilian life. The three main ways that the tone changed throughout the novel were... going through camp/ training, fighting for the decision of life or death, and transitioning back to the normal life in Houston, Texas. Throughout the story, the main character Marcus Luttrell went through many different life changing decisions. Even though many could argue that he made some really poor decisions that just made everything that he was already dealing with a little bit harder, he stuck to his decisions and stayed†¦show more content†¦The bond between the guys within the team is unbreakable. When it comes to the family†¦ they’ll never turn on it. Live and learn together and stay together forever. â€Å"He was hard and tough and wiry - just the sort that won’t say die`--- There was courage in his quick, impatient tread, And he bore the badge of gameness in his bright and fiery eye, And the proud and lofty carriage of his head†(Luttrell 364) This quote makes the reader notice that no matter how tough you were, everyone was scared on the top of the mountain. Have you ever been in a position that you had to make a life or death decision? Probably not and if you have it was never as bad or as hard as some of the ones that these Navy Seals in Operation Red Wings went through. Imagine being in an open fire battle when there’s four of you versus thousands of Taliban or Afghan’s going against you. Having to think about how well your family will be doing without you. Thinking about never seeing your wife, kids, mother†¦ who gave birth to you and gave everything that she had to you. The family that bent over backwards for you when you were younger. Imagine never seeing them ever again. Let this sink in for a second†¦ knowing that you have a an enemy with a gun in their hand trying to kill you. Now multiply that one enemy by ten thousand. That’s how many enemies you and your team have coming to kill you. Walking for hundreds of miles toShow MoreRelatedEssay on Reading Moby-Dick as Ethnic Allegory2752 Words  | 12 Pagesattitudes are enacted often in tension with or at the expense of different ethnic peoples living within Americas geographic borders. For these purposes, I would like specifically to examine Melvilles rather unconventional portrayal of a non-white character such as Queequeg. 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Several of the cases and situations have seed questions provided to assist the reader in the analysis of the case. An instructor s manual is available from John Wiley Sons, Inc., to faculty members who adopt the book for classroom use. Almost all of the case studies are factual. In most circumstances, the cases and situations have been taken fromRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesLine 58 Understanding and Appreciating Individual Differences Important Areas of Self-Awareness 61 Emotional Intelligence 62 Values 65 Ethical Decision Making and Values 72 Cognitive Style 74 Attitudes Toward Change 76 Core Self-Evaluation 79 SKILL ANALYSIS 84 Cases Involving Self-Awaren ess 84 Communist Prison Camp 84 Computerized Exam 85 Decision Dilemmas 86 SKILL PRACTICE 89 Exercises for Improving Self-Awareness Through Self-Disclosure 89 Through the Looking Glass 89 Diagnosing Managerial Characteristics
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Alien And Sedition Acts Of 1798 - 1594 Words
The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, instituted by President John Adams, were a turning point in American history. The Acts were the result of impending war with France, the French Revolution had just started, France was in turmoil with all the fighting, America was a new country, trying to find its footing and place in the world. President Adams was worried for the nation that the influx of FRench immigrants as a result of the war would disrupt the balance and security of the nation. As a result, Adams created the Alien and Sedition Acts, a series of laws on how aliens were treated and how the populace of American society could speak and act towards the government. The Alien and Sedition Acts instituted by Adams were unconstitutional and in direct violation of the Bill of Rights. In 1798, war was brewing in France, the Revolution had been going for 9 years. But it had not just affected France, but the world. America had been a new nation for over 20 years. At this time President John Adams was the second president of the U. S., with Thomas Jefferson as Vice President, as he lost the presedential election. Adams was a Federalist, through and through. He wanted to model policies off of Great Britain, Federalists saw foreigners as a threat to national security. Aos the Federalists hated the French Revolution because it led to mob rule and the confiscation of property. Thomas Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican, he loved France that they were having their own democraticShow MoreRelatedThe Alien And Sedition Acts1274 Words  | 6 Pagesdevelopment of the United States, one such set of acts played a key role in the way unto which this nation was formed and continues to affect it today. The Alien and Sedition Acts changed American ideology in the 18th Century a nd again influences the nation in the current era. 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It ended in another treaty because it was a pointless argument. John Adams was able to handle it well, for it being one of his first national problems to face as the president. He had to strengthen the central government. In the article it states the cause of the Sedition Act, â€Å"The proximate cause of the Sedition Act was the Quasi-War with France, w hich led to charges that domesticRead MoreAlien and Sedition Acts Essay2819 Words  | 12 PagesOctober 2012 Alien and Sedition Acts In 1798 the United States was involved in an undeclared war with France. â€Å"The United States again stood on the brink of war with a major European power, only this time instead of Great Britain the hostile nation was France.†(Hay 141) Later on the Federalist Party passed a series of four laws which were called the Alien and Sedition Acts and the Federalists saw foreigners as a deep threat to American security. 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Need and New Faces Free Essays
SPEECH OF WELCOME Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Afternoon and welcome to the Universidad de Zamboanga, School of Criminal Justice. It is both an honor and a privilege to stand before you, specially the new comers, today and welcome you to this amazing institution. I would like to raise a toast to all the new faces in here. We will write a custom essay sample on Need and New Faces or any similar topic only for you Order Now New faces that we don’t know till now but would wish to know. The same new faces that once belonged to us an year ago. The same new faces that, over a short period of time, will no more be, ‘NEW’ faces. Well, I speak on behalf of all the second year students here. Just a few lines of how we all feel at this juncture. Here I go. Newness or novelty has been intriguing and fascinating to man since the Neanderthal times. Novelty for us is excitement and exuberance, surprise and science, cheerfulness and joy, hope and happiness, boldness and buoyancy, positive ness and passion. But men as we all are, novelty to us also means risk, unfamiliarity, uncertainty, fear, doubt and disturbance. In the same token, the old and the established stands for ‘the familiar and comfortable’, ‘knowledgeable and therefore able’, ‘mature and therefore trustworthy’,‘rugged and therefore reliable. ’ But all this goes with accusations of ‘stagnation and staleness’,‘out-of-date and outmoded ness’ and ‘the slow and the stumped’. What I wish to express using all the ‘adjectives’ that I used is that these new faces in here, our juniors for the coming year, represent to us the same hope and challenge as new players in a cricket team or new twists in a good story. And we, as seniors,should ideally be the matured bunch, a bunch of guys and gals they could trust and depend upon. Together, we can make a terrific team. So, I, on behalf of all the ‘old’ faces here, welcome the new faces with open hands, open minds and above all, OPEN HEARTS. Thank You. COMMENCEMENT SPEECH Good morning faculty, families and class of Two Thousand Twelve. I am honored to be here speaking to all of you today. I want to begin with a quote from Winston Churchill from a commencement speech he gave to his prep school in 1941, â€Å"Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never–in nothing, great or small, large or petty–never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy†(Churchill, 1941) I know that quote is timeless because here I am repeating it in two thousand twelve, and why you may ask†¦because it is very relevant to my story. Many years ago when I began this journey I had a friend, told me that I would never be able to accomplish a college degree. Although my journey has taken longer than anticipated I proved that friend wrong, and maybe many other’s that were not as candid. I also proved something to myself with hard work, determination, and grit anything can be accomplished. Because life throws so many obstacles and distractions in our paths on a daily basis, it is essential to have supportive and knowledgeable people to go to when needed. The advisers helped guide and encourage me to finish what I started, and fulfill the dreams I had for myself. I cannot begin to properly thank not only my school family that cheered me on when I passed math class, my church family who always had kind words to say to me to help keep me strong when the storm rose up and made me weary, and my family-family who accepted the long hours in front of the computer when I had to complete research, write a paper, or read the endless text books that helped me get here today. I want to be a testament to what can be accomplished when one person believes they can achieve what others do not think is possible. Class of two thousand twelve, do not let people tell you who you are and what you can do, do not let people decide what you are capable of. In 2005 during a commencement speech, Steve Jobs said, â€Å"figure out what you love and do it, do not settle†(Jobs, 2005). I encourage my fellow class mates to take that challenge, do what you love and do not settle. The education that we received during our years at Universidad de Zamboanga have prepared each of us to be diligent, creative, innovative, and successful. I want to leave you with a quote from former ESPN sportscaster, Brian Kenny, â€Å"There is no there. That is elusive, â€Å"there†with the job, the beach house, the dream, it’s not out there. There is here. It’s in you†¦right now†(Kenny, 2007) Don’t waste the life that God gave you, we are his masterpiece, and we can be anything we aspire to be. Thank you. ACCEPTANCE SPEECH Thank you everybody. Thank you dad, my brothers, family, friends and to those who are home watching, thank you so much, and to everyone who voted for me. There really is nothing more important to me than striving to be a good human being. So, to be here tonight and be acknowledged as the first to receive this honor is beyond expression in words for me. This award of being a Filipino from the Within is the recognition of my achievements and you can only imagine how important it is to me. My life, as you all know begun from nothing. I grew up at a far farm in Leyte. My parents held hands in cultivating every inch of soil we have just to earn a little amount of money. When I reached six years old, we moved to the city and it was the beginning of my education. It was once difficult, not knowing where to go and at an early age being independent, no one to baby sit me or be my chaperon at school. Time went so fast and as I grew older, there was this little feeling of pity for my co-citizens. The guy on the street, the woman in the classroom, the Muslim, the Protestant, the Catholic, the Visaya, the tausug, the gay, the straight, you, meâ€â€we all just want to know that we matter. We want validation. We want the same things. We want safety and we want to live a long life. We want to find somebody to love. Filipinos, thank you. We want to find somebody to laugh with and have the power and the place to cry with when necessary. The greatest pain in life is to be invisible. What I’ve learned is that we all just want to be heard. And I thank all the people who continue to let me hear your stories, and by sharing your stories, you let other people see themselves and for a moment, glimpse the power to change and the power to triumph. Maya Angelou said, ‘When you learn, teach. When you get, give. ‘ I want you to know that this award to me means that I will continue to strive to give back to the world what it has given to me, so that I might even be more worthy of tonight’s honor. Thank you. CAMPAIGN SPEECH Ladies and gentleman. Our country has come to a crossroad, and now you have the power to change the political landscape of the Philippines. As I have said time and time again, if you elect me to be your face in congress, there are several things I will do to ensure that your needs are met day in and day out across this land. First of all, I plan on proposing new legislation that will invest more tax peso in our public schools, not only to meet the needs of today, but to encourage developing minds for the future. Such new funding would be used to hire and retain good teachers, build and renovate new schools, and give great tax breaks to classroom teachers. To accomplish this, I am proposing no new taxes increases, but rather arechanneling of our existing tax revenue to meet these demands. Now, theincumbent and his staff have been talking about this for years with little progress. I plan to change all of this now. Second, economic development is on the minds of most of you, particularly with regard to our downtown area. For many years, economic prosperity has beenneglected by current government leaders, and I plan to change all of that. I am proposing a city center revitalization project that would promote new businesses, new residential areas, and new open green areas to bring people back to the heart of our city. Current leaders have allowed the new city to die, preferring to invest in sport arenas in the outlying areas. And third, I am proposing the construction of a light rail train system, to be built over the next decade, to meet the growing demands of better and more efficient transportation for years to come. My opponent and his administration have lacked the vision of long-term solutions, preferring to take a look and see approach. Such a short sighted stance fails to consider the needs of future generations . . . our children and our grandchildren. My generation doesn’t want to be remembered for a road we build today, but for a more visionary transportation system for our future. And finally, my opponent has cited my inexperience as a reason why you shouldn’t vote for me. However, I am not a career politician who has lost touch with the everyday needs and concerns of day-to-day people. My work as an educator and business owner has given me a unique perspective on the pains and challenges you face. If elected, I promise to give my all to my elected position and make sure your issues and concerns are fully addressed at the local and national level. Thank you How to cite Need and New Faces, Essay examples
The Australian Council of Trade Unions †
Question: Discuss about the Australian Council of Trade Unions. Answer: The Australian Council of Trade Unions, also known as ACTU is one of the largest bodies that represents the different kinds of workers working in different business organizations all over Australia. This kind of national trade union constitutes of 46 affiliated unions and 9 trade and labor councils that are responsible for managing the roles and responsibilities of workers all across Australia. The ACTU is also considered as one of the major members of the International Trade Union Confederation. The ACU currently holds a biennial congress that has been involving over 800 delegates from all over Australia (Aleinikoff Klusmeyer, 2013). A group of 60 members including the two vice presidents, secretary, assistant secretaries, Trade and Labor council representatives and other delegates appointed from the various affiliated trade unions has governed the ACTU. According to the constitution, the goals and objectives of the Australian Council of Trade Unions or ACTU are to socialize the industry, manage the wages and salaries of the employees working within the different Australian organizations, utilization of the resources for managing the full time employment opportunities, establishing the living standards and even deriving the best possible outcomes. The SACTU also aims to manage the workforce properly by creating better employment scopes and opportunities, furthermore develop a skilled and knowledgeable workforce to bring out the best from theirs and enhance the production level of the organizations too (Bach Bordogna, 2013). The focus of the ACTU is also to restore the rights and responsibilities of the workers according to the rules and regulations of the Your Rights at Work Campaign and maintain the health and safety of the workers too. This would also involve working with other trade unions and preserving the rights of humans; fur thermore launch effective services through which the workers could join the unions directly or indirectly. The ACTU also introduced new campaigns for maintaining the employment standards through proper maintenance of values and ethics and furthermore allowed various benefits to the employees working within the Australian organizations (Bamber et al., 2015). The campaigns launched by ACTU also helped in providing information about any casualties at work, insecurities at work and casual approaches undertaken by the employees within the workplace (Hodder et al., 2017). During the year of 1980 and 1990, the ACTU was influenced to combine the various smaller unions and create a super union, furthermore manage the organizations on an industrial basis. This not only created a combination of multiple unions, but also facilitated the development of relationships and created a better union coverage with ease and effectiveness. Trade Union membership also hit record low, which resulted in making just one of the nine private sector employees to choose where to belong within an union (Boxall, 2014). The huge dip resulted in the decline of union membership and it reached a level of 40 percent of the workforce. Data and information recorded from the Australian Bureau of Statistics provided information about the ranking of Unions that had dipped to more than 140,000 employees from over 1.7 million in the last 12 months at a rapid rate (Berg et al., 2013). The union membership among the public sector employees is 39 percent and it is much above 11 percent in the private sectors. The former assistant secretary of the ACTU Tim Lyons criticized the crisis condition and even said that there is immediate need to change the union movement otherwise it might soon be destroyed (Campos, Coricelli Moretti, 2014). The fall in trade union membership also created major challenges regarding the movement in Australia that not only resulted in union corruption, but also lead to the degradation of productivity of the business organizations along with various campaigns formation that reduced the penalty rates. The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, on the other hand, stated that the trade unions created a huge impact on the Labor Party by creating dominance in certain areas and even created huge numbers of issues related to the labor conditions and labor market in within the Australian employment sector (Cregan, 2013). The number of people working as a group within the Trade Unions is part of the private sector and often their opinions and responses were left unconsidered, which even created issues related to the consideration of labor policies and procedures (Wilson et al., 2013). According to the ABS data, it was found that most of the employees within the organizations of Australia did n ot consider the union membership, because of which, the future of work was not understood properly and their development needs were not considered as well, which was a major problem too. Most of the members of the union members were from the sectors of health, education, public safety, manufacturing, transportation and warehousing, construction and retail sectors (Donaghey et al., 2014). According to me, I believe that trade unions had created some major positive impacts by remaining less aggressive during the process of bargaining of wages and salaries of the employees. The trade unions also created micro outcomes by influencing the voice of workers and allowed them to make their own opinions and responses. The trade unions could also facilitate the contracting where the long-term relationships should be formed and there would be mutual trust and loyalty between the employer and the staffs working within the business organizations in Australia (Ellem, 2013). The trade unions have also reduced the discrimination and inequality in terms of wages distribution for the male and female workers. Though there were several benefits, there had been few major drawbacks as well including the bad monopoly power, which resulted in lack of allocating the resources properly. The pro-productive union effects were totally fake and there were not much alternatives to overcome certain issues, due to which it was considered as a major con (Cheng, Wang Chen, 2014). The Governance procedures were not including the Union regimes and procedures, which further deteriorated the designing and reduced the potential performances of the employees, thereby leading to lesser organizational production and profit level (Kersley et al., 2013). Due to the trade union membership hitting a record low, it created no such impact at present on reducing the wages inequality and even did not support the redistributive policies and procedures. The union density fell in most of the countries during the last 20 years and thus the convergence level was low, which resulted in huge decline in the unionism. The sustained decline in union membership further resulted in lack of union power. While evaluating the macro economic effects of the union membership, it was found that the union membership, union coverage and structure of bargaining differ in terms of various aspects (Lakhani, Kuruvilla Avgar, 2013). Based on certain data and information obtained, it was found that the union density and union coverage were related to the adverse effects created based on the results of bargaining structure and coordination. The countries possessing coordinated bargaining structure also faced issues like lower equilibrium unemployment rate and the fitted relation as also too linear. The reduction in union membership density also created severe effects by creating a decline in the equalizing effects of unions for the male staffs all over the world, though it created very little effects on the female staffs (Preston, 2018). According to Sally McManus, the Government that focused on the rise in inequality should support the union movement and utilize the scopes and opportunities to work on the opposite side of the organizations that already possessed maximum power. The Government had managed the approaches to replace the unionized jobs and even the off shoring activities including the decline in Australian car industry and the replacement of jobs with the workers possessing visas who have been earning $2 on a per hour basis (Cross Gauja, 2014). Due to the huge dip in union membership, the union members fought against them to ensure that the penalty rates were reduced largely for the employees within the different industries. Based on the responses provided by Club Australia, they clearly showed their discontent regarding the higher penalty rates within the club industry than the hospitality industry (Pries Seeliger, 2013). There could be different effects of managing a higher penalty rate for the club industry including the possibility of higher costs and the contracting out of services provided to the employers under low cost structures. Under the New protection act, the unions could not survive and even failed to retain the registration regarding the campaign for membership. Due to this, some of the employers were opposed to increase the wages of the employees and improve the working conditions. With the growth in union density, , the workers did not have any reasons to not join the union membership (Price, Bailey Pyman, 2014). After the amendments of the Industrial relations Act followed by the Workplace Relations Act, the state support for unions were withdrawn, which resulted in making many of the union members termed as irrelevant and unnecessary actors in Australian Employment Relations (Schnabel, 2013). However, there is enough potential to regain the previous condition and increase the Union Solidarity for contributing to the development of the active society, still it had been hindered due to the market related politics. I personally think that the union movement itself could create challenges to create Uni on Solidarity and cerate failure in understanding the actual potential. Working outside the main stream of the union organizations in Australia could also allow this movement to handle the ways by which the unions are organized, furthermore identify who to organize and when to do so in the future (Van Wanrooy et al., 2013). Recommendation: It is recommended to ensure that the labor market experiences are the priority focus. The redesigning of the internal structures should be done for allowing the trade unions to address the present status and structures of the representation. It is also recommended to undertake a decisive union action for promoting the principles of solidarity. The roles and responsibilities of the unions must be clearly presented to the young individuals for discussing the problems and support unionization. The trade union strategies should be implemented for recruiting the new groups of workers who could overcome the problems faced. Based on the changes that had been brought through neo-liberalism for the workers, the unions must change the entire structure of the organization and even the operational strategies to facilitate the growth and development in the future. The essay included the various essential aspects of how the community unionism approach could meet the challenges faced within the employment industry. The challenges though were not overcome fully, still could be integrated with the community unionism based on the structure and culture of the organizations. After analyzing the various aspects presented in the essay, it could be understood that the Unions had become an irrelevant actor in Australian Employment Relations. References Aleinikoff, T. A., Klusmeyer, D. (Eds.). (2013).From migrants to citizens: Membership in a changing world. Brookings Institution Press. 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Friday, May 1, 2020
ThisIBelieve free essay sample
This I Believe Essay I believe in Christmas. Believe that the Christmas season changes many lives, whether people realize how important giving Is, or they realize there is hope no matter what situation they are in. In second grade, my school helped out at a homeless shelter. We donated toys, food, and supplies for the families. I brought a Bearable doll because I knew there was a little girl out there, who maybe has never had one but has always wanted one so badly, would finally get what she had been hoping for.The homeless shelter was beautiful. It had a big tree with lights and decorations hung all over the shelter. The families looked so happy. Even with the problems they faced, they still managed to put on a smile and be happy. Seeing the homeless shelter and having that experience really made me appreciate what I have and it also made me want to makes someone elses life easier and happier. We will write a custom essay sample on ThisIBelieve or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For me, the Christmas season always seems happy and Joyful.I love everything about it, the lights, the decorations, the trees, the cold weather, everything, so I want others around me to be happy too. Its easy to get distracted during Christmas time though. Many people are buying presents for their children and partners, but forget about the families who arent spending hundreds of dollars on presents for their children, and not because they dont want to, they Just cant. When I think about that, I feel bad because I cant imagine how hard it would be to not be able to give your child the only thing they have asked for all year.That is why, ever since the second grade, I try to keep in mind that there are many ways to bring a smile to peoples faces, just by the little things that anyone can do. Donate a dollar to the Salvation Army. Donate toys to their schools toy drive. Volunteer and help out in their community. These are only some of the many ways to make someones life happier. I believe in Christmas, that it has the power to bring everyone together and remind us what to be thankful for, and that there Is hope, no matter what we struggle with.
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