Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Write a Perfect Admin Assistant Cover Letter (Examples Included)
How to Write a Perfect Admin Assistant Cover Letter (Examples Included) Here at TheJobNetwork, we talk a lot about how to build the perfect resume- after all, it’s your chance to show a potential employer who you are, what you do, and what you will do for them. But although the cover letter has become somewhat controversial in recent years, with the advent of digital hiring tools and job application apps, it’s an element that you should be able to knock out of the park when you need it.For admin assistants, the cover letter can be a useful way to personalize your resume and packaging for the job to which you’re applying. Having been there, I know the pluses and minuses of having versatile admin experience- sure, you’ve got flexible skills that you can take pretty much everywhere. but when you’re trying to frame yourself as a unique candidate, how do you take those universal admin skills and experience and make them fit the exact job you want?First, let’s start with the basics of a good cover letter.Necessity #1: An Appropriate AddresseeIf you have a direct name (hiring manager, recruiter, etc.), all the better- make sure the opener is polite and personalized. If you don’t have a specific name, you can still personalize it to the company.For example:Dear Ms. Perkins, Hello Ms. Perkins, Greetings Ms. Perkins, Dear Techedge Industries Team,You need to strike the right balance between conversational and formal. Definitely don’t go too casual. The fact that you’re likely submitting these online, or writing an email, can lead to a false sense of familiarity with the person.Bad examples:Hey Phyllis, Phyllis Perkins, Hello: To Whom it May Concern:All of these greetings are either too casual, or too vague. â€Å"To Whom it May Concern†is the cover letter equivalent of getting mail addressed to â€Å"occupant†: chances are it’s going to be passed on without reading. It suggests that the cover letter writer is applying indiscriminately. that might not be the case (you might just be covering for the fact that you don’t have a specific contact person), but they don’t know that). it’s important to be as clear and direct as possible in your cover letter.Necessity #2: Your NarrativeThe whole point of your cover letter is adding context to you, and your resume. On your resume, you have limited space, and the priority goes to potent, high-quality bullet points to illustrate your skills and experience. The cover letter is your chance to craft the larger story of your career, and why you would be a good fit for this job in particular.For example:As an experienced administrative assistant and a lifelong home baker, I am thrilled to be applying for this position with Gina’s homemade cookie company. Ive worked in companies that are large, small, and somewhere in between, and have found that my skills fit best in a small, close-knit company like Gina’s. I have experience implementing new systems t hat improve record keeping and office efficiency, and with working as part of a team coordinating complex schedules and details while making sure everything gets done on time.Bad example:I am applying for a job at Gina’s homemade cookie company. Please see my attached resume, and let me know if you have any questions.In the good example, the applicant shows that she’s done her research on Gina’s homemade cookie company (company size, general culture), and is showing how she might fit well in that (as a baking enthusiast and experienced admin). The writer doesn’t necessarily go into her life history, but picks highlights that dovetail well with the job description. It also gives the reader a preview of the kinds of experience to expect in the resume.In the bad example, the cover letter body says nothing about the writer and does nothing to supplement the resume. It’s just an unnecessary attachment.Necessity #3: A Strong FinishAlways have a clo sing paragraph that restates the highlights (why you’re a good fit) and leaves room for follow-up.For example:I would love to have the opportunity to join your team and look forward to hearing more about this opening. My skills and experience as an admin (and a cookie enthusiast) would be a great fit as an administrative assistant in your company. please don’t hesitate to contact me if there’s any other information I can provide.Bad example:Please let me know more about this job opening.In these examples, one writer reminds the reader why she is a good fit; the other writer puts the onus on the reader to give more information about the job itself and says nothing about herself in the meantime. You want to make sure you’re aligning yourself with the job in the reader’s mind, and this is your last chance to do so before they read your resume.Necessity #4: Clean FormattingLike with your resume, you want your cover letter to be clear and easy to read. That means:A standard font. This is not the time to test out â€Å"fun†fonts. Pick something clean and basic, like times.No huge blocks of text. In a letter, unbroken paragraphs can look like the ramblings of a manifesto. You want your reader to see a series of separate, elegantly outlined points.Short Length. A cover letter should never be more than a page, and even a full page is definitely pushing it. Brevity is the soul of wit and the friend of application readers everywhere.For example:My attached resume goes into more detail about my daily job duties and achievements during my tenure as an administrative assistant at two companies. My experience managing complex schedules, overseeing busy offices, and leading junior staff would be an asset to this role.I would love to have to opportunity to join the team at Gina’s homemade cookies, and bring my expertise in managing day-to-day office processes to your company. I believe I can meet and exceed the expecta tions you have for this role, and I look forward to speaking more with you about my application. Feel free to contact me at any time.Bad example:My attached resume goes into more detail about my daily job duties and achievements during my tenure as an administrative assistant at two companies. My experience managing complex schedules, overseeing busy offices, and leading junior staff would be an asset to this role. I would love to have to opportunity to join the team at Gina’s homemade cookies and bring my expertise in managing day-to-day office processes to your company. I believe I can meet and exceed the expectations you have for this role, and I look forward to speaking more with you about my application. Feel free to contact me at any time.That’s a lot to cram into one paragraph. Crafting shorter, punchier paragraphs can help you focus your letter on the points you want the reader to notice, and keep it visually appealing as well.After that closing pitch, all you have left is the closing. Like with the opening address, it should be simple and polite. Not too flowery (â€Å"kindest warmest regards, dear recruiter†is†¦unnecessary.For example:Best wishes,Sincerely,Bad examples:Thanks.Fondest wishes,[name- no greeting]Please hit me back, And after that, you’re done! Well, except for the resume, the interview, and the negotiation. But your cover letter is in the books, and you have been introduced to your possible future employer.Let’s take a last look at the sample cover letter as a whole:Dear Ms. Perkins,As an experienced administrative assistant and a lifelong home baker, I am thrilled to be applying for this position with gina’s homemade cookie company. Ive worked in companies that are large, small, and somewhere in between, and have found that my skills fit best in a small, close-knit company like Gina’s. I have experience implementing new systems that improve record keeping and office efficiency, and with working as part of a team coordinating complex schedules and details while making sure everything gets done on time.My attached resume goes into more detail about my daily job duties and achievements during my tenure as an administrative assistant at two companies. My experience managing complex schedules, overseeing busy offices, and leading junior staff would be an asset to this role.I would love to have to opportunity to join the team at Gina’s homemade cookie and bring my expertise in managing day-to-day office processes to your company. I believe I can meet and exceed the expectations you have for this role, and I look forward to speaking more with you about my application. Feel free to contact me at any time.Sincerely,Francine WatersShort, to-the-point, informative, appropriate: now thats a letter that shows what a good admin assistant francine would be!Looking for an administrative assistant job? TheJobNetwork has you covered! Search admin assistant jobs in your city: hundreds of jobs in many fields await!
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Snowball Earth
The Snowball Earth Some very strange events have left their signs in the rocks of Precambrian time, the nine-tenths of Earths history before fossils became common. Various observations point to times when the whole planet appears to have gripped by colossal ice ages. Big-thinker Joseph Kirschvink first assembled the evidence in the late 1980s, and in a 1992 paper he dubbed the situation the snowball earth. Evidence for the Snowball Earth What did Kirschvink see? Many deposits of Neoproterozoic age (between 1000 and about 550 million years old) show the distinctive signs of ice agesyet they involved carbonate rocks, which are made only in the tropics.Magnetic evidence from these ice-age carbonates showed that indeed they were very near the equator. And there is nothing to suggest that the Earth was tilted on its axis any differently from today.And the unusual rocks known as banded iron formation appeared at this time, after an absence of more than a billion years. They have never reappeared. These facts led Kirschvink to a wild surmise glaciers had not just spread over the poles, as they do today, but had reached all the way to the equator, turning the Earth into a global snowball. That would set up feedback cycles reinforcing the ice age for quite some time: First, white ice, on land and upon the ocean, would reflect the suns light into space and leave the area cold.Second, the glaciated continents would emerge as the ice took water from the ocean, and the newly exposed continental shelves would reflect sunlight rather than absorbing it as dark seawater does.Third, the huge quantities of rock ground into dust by the glaciers would take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reducing the greenhouse effect and reinforcing the global refrigeration. These tied in with another event: the supercontinent Rodinia had just broken apart into many smaller continents. Small continents are wetter than large ones, hence more likely to support glaciers. The area of continental shelves must have increased, too, thus all three factors were reinforced. The banded iron formations suggested to Kirschvink that the sea, blanketed in ice, had gone stagnant and run out of oxygen. This would allow dissolved iron to build up instead of circulating through living things as it does now. As soon as the ocean currents and continental weathering resumed, the banded iron formations would be quickly laid down. The key to breaking the glaciers grip was volcanoes, which continually emit carbon dioxide derived from old subducted sediments (more on volcanism). In Kirschvinks vision, the ice would shield the air from the weathering rocks and allow CO2 to build up, restoring the greenhouse. At some tipping point the ice would melt, a geochemical cascade would deposit the banded iron formations, and snowball Earth would return to normal Earth. The Arguments Begin The snowball earth idea lay dormant until the late 1990s. Later researchers noted that thick layers of carbonate rocks capped the Neoproterozoic glacial deposits. These cap carbonates made sense as a product of the high-CO2 atmosphere that routed the glaciers, combining with calcium from the newly exposed land and sea. And recent work has established three Neoproterozoic mega-ice ages: the Sturtian, Marinoan and Gaskiers glaciations at about 710, 635 and 580 million years ago respectively. The questions arise as to why these happened, when and where they happened, what triggered them, and a hundred other details. A wide range of experts found reasons to argue against or quibble with the snowball earth, which is a natural and normal part of science. Biologists saw Kirschvinks scenario as looking too extreme. He had suggested in 1992 that metazoansprimitive higher animalsarose through evolution after the global glaciers had melted and opened new habitats. But metazoan fossils were found in much older rocks, so obviously the snowball earth had not killed them. A less extreme slushball earth hypothesis has arisen that protects the biosphere by positing thinner ice and milder conditions. Snowball partisans argue their model cannot be stretched that far. To an extent, this appears to be a case of different specialists taking their familiar concerns more seriously than a generalist would. The more distant observer can easily picture an icelocked planet that has enough warm refuges to preserve life while still giving the glaciers the upper hand. But the ferment of research and discussion will surely yield a truer and more sophisticated picture of the late Neoproterozoic. And whether it was a snowball, slushball or something without a catchy name, the type of event that seized our planet at that time is impressive to contemplate. PS: Joseph Kirschvink introduced the snowball earth in a very short paper in a very large book, so speculative that the editors didnt even have someone review it. But publishing it was a great service. An earlier example is Harry Hesss groundbreaking paper on seafloor spreading, written in 1959 and circulated privately before it found an uneasy home in another large book published in 1962. Hess called it an essay in geopoetry, and ever since the word has had a special significance. I do not hesitate to call Kirschvink a geopoet as well. For instance, read about his polar wander proposal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Take Home Final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Take Home Final - Assignment Example Family planning policy in Brazil has undergone revolution in the recent years. It has undergone a series of development over the years. In the last decade, Brazil has experienced low birth rates due to increased access in education, contraception, and family planning. In Brazil, there was interventionism and it led to a drop in total fertility rates. Many of the citizens use artificial birth control as a tool to family planning. The influence from media, movies, soap operas, and television is a tool towards family planning in Brazil. This family planning has reduced fertility rates. In the early 1960s, every household had about six children but after this transition to family planning the number of children have significantly reduced to fewer than two children (Krugman & Wells, 2006). The policy of family planning in Vietnam was developed long ago in the 1960s. The national government advocated the policy of almost two children. The local govern is responsible in executing this policy. For any additional children the district government imposed fines. Women who agreed to be sterilized were given bonuses. The government used strict tools to ensure this policy is met. Individuals who never used contraceptives their names were announced in order to embarrass them. THz government went even a step to deny people who violated the policy their salaries, jobs, and promotions. This policy led to reduction in birthrate in Vietnam (Krugman & Wells, 2006). The total fertility rate dropped from 5.6 to 3.2. This policy is a high interventionism to ensure the two-child policy is met. In a declining trade economy, its effect will be felt on the workers. In developing workers are attracted to manufacturing sectors with high wages and move from the rural to urban (Krugman & Wells, 2006). This will be different in an economy where it has deteriorated and the trade declined thus reduced rural-urban migration. Harris model is an
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Marketing Strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marketing Strategy - Research Paper Example  There are numerous companies providing logistical services within the region providing intense competition. Within the African region, many logistics companies are local and have limited exposure to international logistics business. The company intends to utilize the business experience gained in offering logistical services within different states. This will become essential in ensuring the quality of services offered, displayed through the quick and timely delivery of services. Many of the companies operating within the industry offer logistical services in the transportation of manufactured goods. As a company operating a farm, the company will offer logistical services for agricultural products. This will become a relatively new aspect which could be essential in achieving sustainable competitive advantage (Fleisher & Bensoussan, 2003). The company will maximise on the weaknesses of existing competitors in gaining a competitive advantage, ultimately achieving sustainabili ty in the business. The company will effectively utilize this weakness to ensure the provision of cross-border logistics and increase its market share. The international experience and presence will enable the company to offer logistics services to increased numbers of clients. Differentiation remains an essential business strategy utilized in gaining a competitive advantage within a highly competitive business environment. Differentiation includes making a company services unique and creating an identity within a crowded business environment. The company intends to begin offering trucking services for agricultural non-perishable products within the African market. With numerous African regions facing the continuous shortage of food, offering transportation services for agricultural products will attract surmountable customers within the organizations providing relief food. With many organizations covering several countries, the global aspect of the company will become a fundamental element in undertak ing these business ventures. Having been involved in growing of barley, the company already has the capacity to transport similar agricultural products like dry maize and beans. Market leadership The company will undertake a market leadership approach in performing the various business operations within the regions covered. The company will focus on offering services across the borders as many of the competitor companies have continued to offer services with limited coverage. The increased coverage of the services will ensure the company becomes a market leader in a wide region.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
P&G Japan Essay Example for Free
PG Japan Essay Slow, conformist and risk averse – stretch, innovation and speed Leadership Innovation Team implemented a global rollout of Dryel and Swiffer Impact – 18 months after entering the first test market they were on sales in US, Europe, Latin America and Asia Processes Performance-based component of compensation increased from traditional range of 20% to 80%. Extended the reach of stock options to virtually all employees Integrated business planning process where all budget elements of the operating plan could be reviewed and approved together Structure Primary profit responsibility shifted from PGs four regional organisation to seven GBUs that would now manage product development, manufacturing and marketing of their respective categories worldwide Charged with standardising manufacturing processes, simplifying brand portfolios and coordinating marketing activities Eliminate bureaucracy and increase accountability Committee responsibilities were transferred to individuals Activities such as accounting, human resources, payroll and much of IT were coordinated through a global business service unit Progression form Ethnocentric/Polycentric- Regiocentric – Geocentric SK-II – within PG this high-end product had little visibility outside Japan Because Japanese women had by far the highest use of beauty care products in the world, it was natural that the global beauty care category management started to regard Max Factor Japan as a potential source of innovation Working with RD labs in Cincinatti and the UK, several Japanese technologists participated on a global team that developed a new product involving a durable color base and renewable moisturising second coat – Lipfinity Japanese innovations were than transferred worldwide, as Lipfinity rolled out in Europe and the US within six months of the Japanese launch Implementation of O2005 in July 1999 – half the top 30 managers and a third of the top 3000 were new to their jobs – capabilities do not reside in management Global product development process Technology team assembled at an RD facility in Cincinnati, drawing the most qualified technologists from its PG labs worldwide US-based marketing team and Japanese team had the same task – Japanese team came up with SK-II In the end, each market ended up with a distinct product built on a common technology platform. Marketing expertise was also shared, allowing the organisation to exploit local learning Decisions Japanese Opportunity Tapping into PGs extensive technological resources – extend the SK-II line beyond its traditional product offerings Although would take a considerable amount of time and effort, it would exploit internal capabilities and external brand image Product innovation and superior in-store service – competitive advantage in Japan China Operating since 1988 only Entrepreneurial beauty care manager in China Some were worried that SK-II would be a distraction to PGs strategy of becoming a mainstream Chinese company and to its competitive goal of entering 600 Chinese cities ahead of competitors Targeting an elite consumer group with a niche product was not in keeping with the objective of reaching the 1. 2 billion population with laundry, hair care, oral care, diapers and other basics Europe De Cesare – new the European market well Without any real brand awareness or heritage, would SK-II’s mystique transfer to a Western market Organisational constraint De Cesare recognised that his decision needed to comply with the organisational reality in which it would be implemented Jager – openly questioned how well some of the products in the beauty care business fit in the PG portfolio – the fashion-linked and promotion-driven sales models neither played well to PG’s â€Å"stack it high, sell it cheap†marketing skills nor exploited its superior technologies From a local to a global focus
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Key to Success in Education :: Teaching Education Philosophy
A Mixture of Progressivism and Behaviorism is the Key to Success in Education Lee Beck, a teacher of thirty years, is my hero. Lee has an intense passion for teaching and an equal passion for children. It is this overwhelming passion and satisfactions in helping children excel in academics and in life that have inspired me to become a teacher. Pursuing a career in Education has led me to different philosophical perspectives of education that will be utilized in my future classroom. Behind every educational facility and educator lies a value system and set of beliefs that influence their philosophy of education. My educational philosophy and goals are influenced by a combination of both progressive and behavioral aspects. Most imperative is the characteristics of progressivism that appeal to my values and belief system. The purpose of education is to enable a child to become more efficient and achieve goals in their life. An equally important purpose is to expose children to different values and beliefs that are used throughout the world. Education indirectly provides teachers with the opportunity to touch the lives of children and have a positive influence in their lives. I desire to be capable of touching a life and making a difference. It is important for me to know that I have encouraged children to feed the hunger of their minds. One aspect of progressivism to be integrated into my classroom is cooperative learning activities. Progressivism teaching methods recognize cooperative learning activities as a practical method of instruction. Working in groups was not always part of my previous education. Normally working independently has left me feeling uncomfortable and untrusting of others when working in groups. It has also left me intimidated by my peers with different racial and ethnic backgrounds. I feel that if students are frequently exposed to cooperative learning activities that they will be more trusting and more group oriented toward a unified goal. My first cooperative learning experiences in college have taught me in a short period of time that just because someone is different, does not mean that they are incompetent; additionally, learning from students is an important part of being a teacher. It is important for children to learn this lesson early in life, not until their college y ears.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Lost Property Essay
Introduction: Yes, relationships are fragile but not permanently so and they are not just a group of individuals. Scope: address positive family representations of Tambling’s past family life and Michael’s own family, address current situation with Michael’s absence, not multiple issues, being the root of tension and final coming together being the result that Michael and Mr Tambling had planned and all had hoped for. Para 1 – address positive family representations of Tambling’s past family life and Michael’s own family, Para 2 – address current situation with Michael’s absence, not multiple issues, being the root of tension, not multiple issues, dysfunctional behaviour. Para 3 – final coming together being the result that Michael and Mr Tambling had planned and all had hoped for. Conclusion Family life is documented, questioned and applauded in many Australian stories and James Moloney’s ‘Lost Property’ is one such tale. It may be argued that the Tambling family, upon which the novel is based, is a group of individuals held together by fragile relationships. Contrarily however, one may conclude that the family turmoil within the novel is a temporary state. Following, the positive representations of family life, Michael’s temporary exile and the family’s ultimate reconciliation will be explored to prove that the relationships within the family make them more than a group of individuals. The Tambling family has a solid past and has built ideals within the Tambling children to create healthy family networks. We are provided a picture of a productive family life initially; good schools, house close to Sydney. Josh tells us he has ‘just about everything I want’ (p 47). More than the material though, the family invests in the family unit; dinners together at the table, lifts from parents to above-board activities and support at school. Josh and his father share a love of music, share easy banter and have obvious habits of drives together. Josh recalls idyllic beach outings ‘before that bottle of rum’(p 64) when Mrs Tambling wanted to ‘stop the sun going down’. Life was good. Michael perpetuates these ideals in his own life with Kelly; care, commitment and love are obvious. All the time though, we feel a perpetual pull of Michael back to his family of origin. The Tambling siblings have a strong bond, there is genuine family values, traditions and history so strong that it can be re-created by Michael in his own home-life; all evidence to show that the issues that arise, the arguments that occur are not exemplary of their standard life, but a reaction to the fact that their tight family unit is disunited. Michael’s abs ence sits like a seeping wound upon the family psyche. All the family relationships are put under strain by Michael’s behaviour and departure – Michael and Mr Tambling, Mr and Mrs Tambling, Josh and his father, Josh and his mother in particular. Mr Tambling sending Michael away has put a wedge between him and his wife, her need to know of his safety causing great strain. Josh’s unhappiness, his feeling of being lost, having no identity could be paralleled with Michael’s absence – Josh begins to feel more connected when he begins his mission to Mackay, a quest to return the prodigal son. When we consider the events leading to Michael’s leaving – the drinking, behaviour, his age, one could consider whether Mr Tambling made a sacrifice in insisting Michael leave†¦a calculated decision for the sake of the remainder of the family. He makes another calculated decision when he discovers where Michael is – to not seek him out, to not tell the remainder of the family. One could argue that these calculations were made not due to fragile relationships within the family but because of a deep love and the ultimate hope that the family will be reunited in good time. Family crisis is not unusual but working through crisis is a true test of family strength. In Michael’s case time was required to heal his wounds, perhaps growth as a person, finding his own identity, falling in love, made it possible for him to understand his father, forgive and accept him. The fragility is a consequence of Michael’s absence, the turmoil that preceded his departure and The unending need for the family to be reconciled, from all sides, invites readers to anticipate a family reunion, not a continuation of fragility.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Negative Effects of Technology on Human Life
Negative effects of technology Improvements in the technology have antagonistic effects on the human life along with the positive effects. The growth of the technology leads to very severe problems like pollution, unemployment, effects social life of the humans etc.. First of all, the most serious problem is pollution, which is created by the technological inventions like vehicles, industries, etc.. Now-a-days the vehicles like cars, bikes are increasing which is leading to increase in pollution. The other problem is radiation caused by the increase in the mobile phones.Secondly, in most of the developing countries like India the major problem is unemployment. This problem is mostly caused by the increase in the instruments, which are the results of improvement in the technology. Finally, in today’s world all the people are getting addicted to the internet like social sites, games and they also becoming victims of the google. For example, all the persons are getting involved i n the facebook and they are not at all bothering about the surrounding world, this may leading them away from the social life and sometimes it also creates problems in the families.The other example, everyone in this world is depending on google for each and everything and they are not at all referring to the books. However, most of the people say that improvements in technology like software solutions creates employment, but that is not true because the employment created by the software field is less than the employments which is decreased by the instruments in industries. In conclusion, the negative effects of the technology is higher than the advantages from the improvements in technology.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Generic Paper On A Speech fill in blanks
Generic Paper On A Speech fill in blanks Free Online Research Papers As I walked into the familiar _______________, I realized something was not the same. As I sat down and the surroundings began to sink in, I realized that it was brighter. There were two extremely powerful lights on either side of the room pointing at the stage. I was here to see _________________, the ________ who _____________ ,. The area he/she was speaking in was surprisingly small for someone of such importance. I was certainly expecting a larger forum. As I looked around, I noticed that the audience that had assembled contained quite an excellent melody of character. The first _________ rows were made up of people who were obviously ____________ ; a blend of beaming __________ , many of whom had _____________, and __________________ who appeared to be just as glad to be there. The further the room went back, the less _____________ the audience got. I had noticed that when I walked in there was a sign up sheet for a professor’s class. Many of the members in the rear area of the audience donned an ear bud in one ear, or covertly rattled away on a laptop. These students were here, not to hear the speaker, but rather to earn extra credit. The room was full of activity, but it abruptly silenced when an official looking _________ strode in. He/She was of average stature and build. His/Her face held many of the features of a _______________. He/She was wearing on a modern outfit. His/Her blouse/shirt and dress/pants were made up of _________ and designed in such a way that matched his/her features perfectly. He/She smiled revealing dazzling white teeth and took a seat next to the stage. After a brief introduction from a few ___________ officials, he/she climbed the platform and __________ over to the podium. The audience went silent at this point waiting only to hear his/her words. When those words came out, I saw looks of confusion throughout the room. He/She talked in the language of _____________ for a few sentences and quickly followed up with a translation. He/She was simply thanking us for being there and giving her/him this opportunity to speak. He/She started off talking about the. â€Å"___________________________.†He/She said. He/She referred_____. The first point is_________. Next,______________. Lastly,___________. He/She said____________. I was wondering where he/she was going with this, but I listened patiently. I couldn’t help but thinking that this kind of talk gave him/her the air of _______________ â€Å"Give quote.†He/She said. He/She talked about what he/she had done ______________, and _______________. This was all very inspiring, but these things were so big, and it just made me feel like saying, â€Å"__________ †Then he/she answered that exact question. He/She told us some simple, as well as unique things that we could do to make our lives _____________. Give examples from speech. One of the things that struck me the most was when he/she said we should________. Fill in details I laughed silently at this. â€Å"_____________________________________.†Now that most certainly seemed radical or reasonable, but then I thought about it. Fill in what you concluded.. Then _______________tied everything together in his/her closing. â€Å"This ______________ has to start with the people in the communities. We have to __________________________rather than __________________________.†That rang clear in my ears. It did have to start here. â€Å"Once we start ___________ by __________ it will have a ripple effect, spreading throughout America and eventually reaching the ____________, but it has start with the people.†He/She said. At the end, I got up and asked a question. â€Å"_____________________________________?†I asked. _______________ Answered, â€Å"Well it’s simple, just make your life better first, and do something like_____________. Then, hopefully your neighbors will try to keep up with the Jones’, and it will naturally spread throughout the community. You can’t expect __________to occur overnight.†He/She concluded. He/She took a few more questions before He/She announced that He/She had to go. He/She walked out and received__________ applause from the crowd. Clearly, ______________ speech as I was. He/She had made me think, and that is the mark of something that I find incredibly interesting. I was suspicious of _______ at first, as I am of all politicians, but after the first few minutes of his/her speech, it seemed that he/she should be ________________. His/Her policies on the _____________ revolved around the ________________________. His/Her words shattered the illusion that ____________________, and that ___________________________. His/Her powerful convictions made me yearn _____________, and inspired _________. His/Her ability to____________________________________. When that happens________________________. We must_______________________________, â€Å"It has to start here.†Research Papers on Generic Paper On A Speech fill in blanksThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsAnalysis Of A Cosmetics Advertisement19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionWhere Wild and West MeetAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaTrailblazing by Eric AndersonLifes What IfsBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XUnreasonable Searches and Seizures
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The History of Singapores Economic Development
The History of Singapores Economic Development In the 1960s, the city-state of Singapore was an undeveloped country with a GDP per capita of less than U.S. $320. Today, it is one of the worlds fastest-growing economies. Its GDP per capita has risen to an incredible U.S. $60,000, making it one of the strongest economies in the world. For a small country with few natural resources, Singapores economic ascension is nothing short of remarkable. By embracing globalization, free-market capitalism, education, and pragmatic policies, the country has been able to overcome its geographic disadvantages and become a leader in global commerce. Independence For over 100 years, Singapore was under British control. But when the British failed to protect the colony from the Japanese during World War II, it sparked a strong anti-colonial and nationalist sentiment that subsequently led to Singapores independence. On August 31, 1963, Singapore seceded from the British crown and merged with Malaysia to form the Federation of Malaysia. The two years Singapore spent as part of Malaysia were filled with social strife, as the two sides struggled to assimilate with one another ethnically. Street riots and violence became very common. The Chinese in Singapore outnumbered the Malay three-to-one. The Malay politicians in Kuala Lumpur feared their heritage and political ideologies were being threatened by the growing Chinese population throughout the island and peninsula. Therefore, as a way of ensuring a Malay majority within Malaysia proper and to limit the influence of communism, the Malaysian parliament voted to expel Singapore from Malaysia. Singapore gained formal independence on August 9, 1965, with Yusof bin Ishak serving as its first president and the highly influential Lee Kuan Yew as its prime minister. After independence, Singapore continued to experience problems. Much of the city-states three million people were unemployed. More than two-thirds of its population was living in slums and squatter settlements on the citys fringe. The territory was sandwiched between two large and unfriendly states in Malaysia and Indonesia. Singapore lacked natural resources, sanitation, proper infrastructure, and adequate water supply. In order to stimulate development, Lee sought international assistance, but his pleas went unanswered, leaving Singapore to fend for itself. Globalization During colonial times, Singapores economy was centered on entrepà ´t trade. But this economic activity offered little prospect for job expansion in the post-colonial period. The withdrawal of the British further aggravated the unemployment situation. The most feasible solution to Singapores economic and unemployment woes was to embark on a comprehensive program of industrialization, with a focus on labor-intensive industries. Unfortunately, Singapore had no industrial tradition. The majority of its working population was in trade and services. Therefore, they had no expertise or easily adaptable skills. Moreover, without a hinterland and neighbors who would trade with it, Singapore was forced to look for opportunities well beyond its borders to spearhead its industrial development. Pressured to find work for their people, the leaders of Singapore began to experiment with globalization. Influenced by Israels ability to leap over its Arab neighbors (who boycotted Israel) and trade with Europe and America, Lee and his colleagues knew they had to connect with the developed world and convince multinational corporations to manufacture in Singapore. In order to attract investors, Singapore had to create an environment that was safe, corruption-free, and low in taxation. To make this feasible, the citizens of the country had to suspend a large measure of their freedom in place of a more autocratic government. Anyone caught conducting narcotic trade or intensive corruption would be met with the death penalty. Lees People Action Party (PAP) repressed all independent labor unions and consolidated what remained into a single umbrella group called the National Trade Union Congress (NTUC), which the party directly controlled. Individuals who threatened national, political, or corporate unity were quickly jailed without much due process. The countrys draconian, but business-friendly laws became very appealing to international investors. In contrast to its neighbors, where political and economic climates were unpredictable, Singapore was very stable. Moreover, with its advantageous location and established port system, Singapore was an i deal place to manufacture goods. By 1972, just seven years after independence, one-quarter of Singapores manufacturing firms were either foreign-owned or joint-venture companies, and both the United States and Japan were major investors. As a result of Singapores steady climate, favorable investment conditions and the rapid expansion of the world economy from 1965 to 1972, the countrys Gross Domestic Product (GDP) experienced annual double-digit growth. As foreign investment money poured in, Singapore began focusing on developing its human resources in addition to its infrastructure. The country set up many technical schools and paid international corporations to train their unskilled workers in information technology, petrochemicals, and electronics. For those who could not get industrial jobs, the government enrolled them in labor-intensive un-tradable services, such as tourism and transportation. The strategy of having multinationals educate their workforce paid great dividends for the country. In the 1970s, Singapore was primarily exporting textiles, garments, and basic electronics. By the 1990s, they were engaging in wafer fabrication, logistics, biotech research, pharmaceuticals, integrated circuit design, and aerospace engineering. A Modern Economy Today, Singapore is a modern, industrialized society and entrepà ´t trade continues to play a central role in its economy. The Port of Singapore is now the worlds busiest transshipment port, surpassing Hong Kong and Rotterdam. In terms of total cargo tonnage handled, it has become the worlds second busiest, behind only the Port of Shanghai. Singapores tourism industry is also thriving, attracting over 10 million visitors annually. The city-state now has a zoo, a night safari, and a nature reserve. The country recently opened two of the worlds most expensive integrated casino resorts in the Marina Bay Sands and the Resorts World Sentosa. The countrys medical tourism and culinary tourism industries have also become quite successful, thanks to Singapores cultural heritage and advanced medical technology. Banking has grown significantly in recent years and many assets formerly held in Switzerland have been moved to Singapore due to new taxes imposed by the Swiss. The biotech industry is burgeoning, with drug makers such as GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, and Merck Co. all establishing plants here, and oil refining continues to play a huge role in the economy. Despite its small size, Singapore is now the 15th largest trading partner of the United States. The country has established strong trade agreements with several countries in South America, Europe, and Asia as well. There are currently over 3,000 multinational corporations operating in the country, accounting for more than two-thirds of its manufacturing output and direct export sales. With a total land area of just 433 square miles and a small labor force of 3 million people, Singapore is able to produce a GDP that exceeds $300 billion dollars annually, higher than three-quarters of the world. Life expectancy is 83.75 years, the third highest in the world. Singapore is considered to be one of the best places to live on Earth if you dont mind the strict rules. Singapores model of sacrificing freedom for business is highly controversial and heavily debated. Regardless of philosophy, though, its effectiveness is undeniable.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Commercial Aviation Management Functions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Commercial Aviation Management Functions - Essay Example This paper studies the different commercial aviation management functions to understand the issues and the unique solutions applied to solve the problems in an attempt to maximize profits in spite of the fixed inventory and high costs of investments. Overview of airlines management functions Airlines like any other business have a load of functions to manage for a competitive advantage in the industry. Essential functions are marketing, sales, etc. but the most recent emphasis on enhanced marketing tools and techniques characterizes the airlines industry. The use of a yield or revenue management tool to integrate the different functions of the business is an effective tool to realize the profit maximization in the industry. A marketing mix is of crucial importance for the airlines industry and involves activities like product planning, pricing, branding, packaging, promotion, advertising, selling, distribution, physical handling and service. The 4Ps of marketing mix: product, pri cing, place and promotion take into consideration all the activities mentioned and are at the heart of the yield or revenue management strategies (Knorr and Zigova, 2004; McGuire and Pinchuk, 2009). ... involves the tactical control of seat inventory through protection of seats for later-booking by high-fare customers by a proper balance of the load factor and yield (Fundamentals of pricing and revenue management, 2012). YM aims to maximize profits by controlling the load factor of the perishable seat inventory and selling the correct number of seats at discriminated prices based on demand and pricing elasticity. YM can be considered to the activity of selling the right product to the right customer at the right place and at the right time for optimum price through the best available channel (Rose, 2012). Further, YM involves management of the inventory, distribution channels and prices to yield profitability in the long run (Kleywegt, 2008). Implementing YM is seen to increase 3-9 percent of airlines revenue by combining different models for discrete choice analysis, forecasting, and large-scale optimization (Rose, 2012). However, there have been changes in the approaches to YM ove r the years based on the changes in airline business environment (Smith, 2002). Airline planning and marketing: Supply and demand Airlines usually compete for customers, horizontally and vertically (Netessine and Shumsky, 2004). The inventory is perishable and the demand is time-variable and a trade-off between price (yield) and volume (load factor) becomes essential in this industry. Load factor is the percentage of capacity sold and demand for this perishable inventory changes by the time of day, day of week and season (Dr. Britton, 2009). Seat inventory control under horizontal competition (airlines competing for customers on a single flight leg) and vertical competition (airlines flying different flights on a multi leg itinerary) is usually achieved by a pure strategy Nash
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